Simplifying Cross-Channel & Cross-Platform Media Performance.

Aggregate your search & social reporting using our Pinnacle Technology™.

Solving Industry Problems.

Visualise your journey to successful media performance.


Seamless Integration.
Consolidate your media data

Reduce time pulling data, analysing tables & maintaining spreadsheets – 100% focus on actioning insights.

One-click, direct integration with your digital advertising platform’s APIs, seamlessly automating your end-to-end reporting across your media performance.


Unified Approach.
Standardise your channels.

Understand high-level performance & deploy a consistent approach to visualising all media journeys.

Daily updating & aggregating of all performance metrics across your platforms, bringing every channel’s data into an easy-to-interpret, standardised performance journey.


Aggregated Performance.
Performance viewed your way.

Consider combined media channel performance, not individual channels, platforms, or publishers.

Readily available, blended views of performance across all your media activations, simplifying how you  visualise cumulative performance & make collaborative decisions.

Built Around YOUR Business.

Reporting tailored to your role, specialism, and structure.

Trusted By Us & Our Clients.

The same technology analyses our clients’ performance.

Frequently asked Questions.

Things our users asked.

No, none at all. The only requirement is to authenticate our platform with your media platform(s). As long you have access to do that, then it should be a one-click verification process. If you don’t have sufficient access, just send a request to your media team and grant them access to our platform (with admin privileges).

We started with the two we’d had the majority of requests for – Google & Meta – but expanding this is 100% on our roadmap. Please drop over a request as we will continue to prioritise this based on customer demand.

Our integrated reporting is predominantly there to set foundations for our Protect & Optimise integrations. Our users always highlight they prefer our easy-to-interpret layouts and the standardised performance journey, over their complex internal reporting. Plus, it reduces time pulling, analysing, and maintaining data in spreadsheets.

Still Unsure? Want to Know more?